High/Medium Concentration Measurement Type LC-750H
Posted by adminrexindoto at March 15th, 2017
This zirconia oxygen analyzer employs Toray Engineering’s unique zirconia sensor, and is useful in a wide range of applications, including control and monitoring of processes and sealing gas, and all types of experiments and research.
Main Specifications
Type | Portable or panel-mounted | |
Display system | Digital | Analog |
Measurement range | 0-0.1 / 1 / 10 / 100 vol%O2 | 0-0.5 / 5 / 10 / 25 vol%O2 |
Response speed | Within 5 sec (90% response) | |
Repeatability | Within ±0.5% of full scale (at or above 1% range) Within ±1% of full scale (below 1% range) |
Sampling system | Injection from outside | |
Sample gas rate | 100-300 mL/min | |
Reference gas | Air | |
Recorder output | DC0-10V 4-20mA |
Alarm output | Upper/Lower limit alarm | |
Ambient temperature | 0-40 °C | |
Warmup time | Approx. 20 min | |
Dimensions | 210(W) × 134(H) × 327(D) mm | |
Weight | Approx. 6kg | |
Panel cut dimensions | 226(W) × 134(H) | |
Gas connection | Rc1/4 (Female) | |
Power supply | AC100V 50/60Hz | |
Max. power consumption | 200 VA |
Specifications are subject to change due to product improvements.

Category: Uncategorized
High/Medium Concentration Measurement Type LC-750H +AHw- PT.REXINDOTOTEKNIK
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